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AquarID - Blockchain based Identity Management

About AquarID

Welcome to AquarID Wallet – The Future of Secure Digital Identity

In today's rapidly evolving digital world, the need for secure, user-controlled identity management is more crucial than ever. Traditional password-based systems and centralized identity providers often fall short in safeguarding personal information, leading to increased data breaches, identity theft, and privacy concerns. Enter AquarID Wallet, a blockchain-based identity management solution designed to revolutionize how we handle identity, verifiable credentials, and passwordless login.

Key Features

  • Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)

    AquarID Wallet allows users to take control of their identity through Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs). Unlike traditional systems where identity data is stored in centralized servers, AquarID Wallet ensures that you are the sole owner of your digital identity, which is stored securely on a blockchain. This self-sovereignty provides unprecedented privacy, as only you decide who gets to see and use your credentials.

    Why SSI Matters:

    • Complete Control: Users can manage, share, or revoke their credentials without relying on third-party providers.
    • Decentralized Security: Identity information is stored on a decentralized blockchain, reducing the risk of central points of failure or hacking.
    • Privacy-First: Your identity remains private and secure, with selective disclosure ensuring only the necessary information is shared.

  • Verifiable Credential Management

    AquarID Wallet enables the seamless management of verifiable credentials. These cryptographically secure, tamper-proof credentials can represent anything from a university degree to a driver's license, employment proof, or even proprietary documents like trade secrets.

    How AquarID Wallet Helps:

    • Tamper-Proof Credentials: Credentials are verifiable against a blockchain ledger (e.g., Hyperledger Indy), ensuring their authenticity.
    • Convenient and Secure Sharing: Share only what’s necessary using QR codes or secure digital channels, and let verifiers authenticate the credentials in real-time.
    • Cross-Industry Use: Whether for personal identification, corporate verifications, or governmental use, AquarID Wallet’s credential management system adapts to a wide variety of real-world needs.

  • Passwordless Login

    Passwords are a hassle and a security risk. AquarID Wallet provides a passwordless login solution, making authentication simple, fast, and highly secure. Using verifiable credentials, you can log into web applications or cloud services without needing a password – eliminating risks like phishing, password reuse, or credential leaks.

    How It Works:

    • QR Code-Based Login: Scan a QR code using AquarID Wallet to authenticate yourself using your stored credentials.
    • Blockchain Verification: The credentials are verified via Hyperledger Indy or a similar blockchain ledger, ensuring their validity.
    • Instant Access: Once verified, you’re granted access without the need to type in a password – making the process faster and safer.


AquarID Wallet leverages blockchain's inherent immutability and decentralization to ensure that credentials and identities cannot be tampered with or faked. Cryptographically secure transactions make identity verification more trustworthy and resistant to fraud.



With AquarID Wallet, your data is your own. You control who gets access to your credentials and when. Our privacy-by-design architecture ensures you only share what’s necessary using selective disclosure, minimizing the risk of overexposure of your private information.



With AquarID Wallet’s blockchain-based credential management, organizations can easily meet regulatory compliance requirements. Whether it’s GDPR, HIPAA, or other industry regulations, AquarID Wallet’s traceability and auditable transactions ensure data integrity and protection.


A Verifiable Credential (VC) is a tamper-proof digital credential that can be independently verified using blockchain technology. It can represent anything from a government-issued ID to educational qualifications or work credentials.
Passwordless login allows you to log in using a verifiable credential stored in AquarID Wallet. Simply scan a QR code, and the wallet presents the credential for verification – no password required.
AquarID Wallet offers secure backup and recovery options to ensure you can restore access to your credentials in case of device loss or failure.
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